Floats and Shakes

Chocolate Toasted Almond

January 2, 2021
Cocktail shaker and martini glass illustration Cocktails Cocktail Servers CocktailSevers.com
Ingredients: 1 shot Kahlua (or any coffee liquour), 1 shot Amaretto, 8 oz Milk (or milk & half-and-half), 2 tblsp Chocolate syrup, Ice

Chocolate Toasted Almond

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Floats and Shakes Cocktail
By Bill at CocktailServers.com Serves: 1

Ingredients: 1 shot Kahlua (or any coffee liquour), 1 shot Amaretto, 8 oz Milk (or milk & half-and-half), 2 tblsp Chocolate syrup, Ice


  • 1 shot Kahlua (or any coffee liquour)
  • 1 shot Amaretto
  • 8 oz Milk (or milk & half-and-half)
  • 2 tblsp Chocolate syrup
  • Ice



Mix all together serve in a collins glass for this cocktail


over ice


We recommend using a collins glass for this cocktail.

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