Miscellaneous Cocktails

Italian Cadillac

January 2, 2021
Cocktail shaker and martini glass illustration Cocktails Cocktail Servers CocktailSevers.com
Ingredients: 2/3 oz white chocolate liqueur, 2/3 oz Galliano herbal liqueur, 1 dash Kahlua coffee liqueur, 1 oz milk

Italian Cadillac

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Miscellaneous Cocktails Cocktail
By Bill at CocktailServers.com Serves: 1

Ingredients: 2/3 oz white chocolate liqueur, 2/3 oz Galliano herbal liqueur, 1 dash Kahlua coffee liqueur, 1 oz milk


  • 2/3 oz white chocolate liqueur
  • 2/3 oz Galliano herbal liqueur
  • 1 dash Kahlua coffee liqueur
  • 1 oz milk



Shake the Galliano milk and white chocolate liqueur until it gets nice and frothy


Strain into a chilled cocktail glass and sink the kaluha down to the bottom


If possible garnish with three coffee beans


We recommend using a cocktail glass for this cocktail.

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