Frozen Cocktails

Kill Me Now Kahlua

January 2, 2021
Cocktail shaker and martini glass illustration Cocktails Cocktail Servers

Ingredients: 1/2 oz vanilla vodka, 2 oz Kahlua coffee liqueur, 1 oz Bailey’s Irish cream, 3 oz 7-Up soda, 1 maraschino cherry, 1 tsp almond extract, 2 cups vanilla ice cream

Kill Me Now Kahlua

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Frozen Cocktails Cocktail
By Bill at Serves: 1

Ingredients: 1/2 oz vanilla vodka, 2 oz Kahlua coffee liqueur, 1 oz Bailey's Irish cream, 3 oz 7-Up soda, 1 maraschino cherry, 1 tsp almond extract, 2 cups vanilla ice cream


  • 1/2 oz vanilla vodka, 2 oz Kahlua coffee liqueur, 1 oz Bailey's Irish cream, 3 oz 7-Up soda, 1 maraschino cherry, 1 tsp almond extract, 2 cups vanilla ice cream



Mix all ingrediants except for cherry in a blender


Pour in highball glass and add the cherry for garnish


We recommend using a highball glass for this cocktail.

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