Floats and Shakes

Royal Peaches and Cream

January 2, 2021
Ingredients: 1 1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps, 1/2 oz Crown Royal, 1/2 oz Cointreau, 1 1/2 oz Heavy cream, 2 scoops Vanilla ice-cream (Haagen Dazs), 1 cup Ice cubes

Royal Peaches and Cream

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Floats and Shakes Cocktail
By Bill at CocktailServers.com Serves: 1

Ingredients: 1 1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps, 1/2 oz Crown Royal, 1/2 oz Cointreau, 1 1/2 oz Heavy cream, 2 scoops Vanilla ice-cream (Haagen Dazs), 1 cup Ice cubes


  • 1 1/2 oz Peachtree schnapps
  • 1/2 oz Crown Royal
  • 1/2 oz Cointreau
  • 1 1/2 oz Heavy cream
  • 2 scoops Vanilla ice-cream (Haagen Dazs)
  • 1 cup Ice cubes



Combine all ingredients in blender


Blend until smooth and no chunks of ice are present


Pour into Mason Jar and garnish with a fresh slice of peach if desired


We reccommend using a mason jar for this drink.

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