Schnapps Cocktails

Sweet tart Lollipop

January 2, 2021
Ingredients: 1/4 shot Raspberry schnapps, 1/4 shot Lime vodka, 1/4 shot Amaretto, 1/4 shot Bacardi Limon, 1/4 shot Peach schnapps, Fill glass sweet Lemonade

Sweet tart Lollipop

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Schnapps Cocktails Cocktail
By Bill at Serves: 1

Ingredients: 1/4 shot Raspberry schnapps, 1/4 shot Lime vodka, 1/4 shot Amaretto, 1/4 shot Bacardi Limon, 1/4 shot Peach schnapps, Fill glass sweet Lemonade


  • 1/4 shot Raspberry schnapps
  • 1/4 shot Lime vodka
  • 1/4 shot Amaretto
  • 1/4 shot Bacardi Limon
  • 1/4 shot Peach schnapps
  • Fill glass sweet Lemonade



Mix all ingredients in a collins glass over ice (if a 32 oz


glass is available double all the ingredients) mix in a shaker and serve with a cherry


Should taste like the old chalky lollipops that cam on a hard plastic stem!!!! We recommend using a collins glass for this cocktail.

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