
The Marines Alibi

January 2, 2021
Ingredients: 4 oz Monster energy drink, 1 oz Jagermeister herbal liqueur, 1 oz peach schnapps

The Marines Alibi

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Shots Cocktail
By Bill at Serves: 1

Ingredients: 4 oz Monster energy drink, 1 oz Jagermeister herbal liqueur, 1 oz peach schnapps


  • 4 oz Monster energy drink
  • 1 oz Jagermeister herbal liqueur
  • 1 oz peach schnapps



I came up with the drink one night when I was drinking with a buddy we were trying different things together and it turned out really good! I started introducing it to everyone I know and now it is like a must have drink


The name came a few nights later I am in the Marine Corps and if you know any Marines you know how they can be when they drink


So we started calling it The Marines Alibi to explain why we act the way we do when we have been drinking a bit! Have fun with and be safe


.OHH-RAH and Semper Fi!Mix the Monster Jager and Peach Schnapps in a glass add Ice and stir


..Enjoy! We recommend using a cocktail glass for this cocktail.

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