Tequila Cocktails

Triple G

January 2, 2021
Cocktail shaker and martini glass illustration Cocktails Cocktail Servers CocktailSevers.com
Ingredients: 12 ozLipton Green Apple green tea, 2 oz tequila, crushed or cubed ice

Triple G

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Tequila Cocktails Cocktail
By Bill at CocktailServers.com Serves: 1

Ingredients: 12 ozLipton Green Apple green tea, 2 oz tequila, crushed or cubed ice


  • 12 ozLipton Green Apple green tea
  • 2 oz tequila
  • crushed or cubed ice



Very simple drink to do and has great sour taste and a bit of bite from the oak aged tequila


This can be a good party drink or to enjoy chillin at the beach


I created this drink at my pad when the only thing I had to mix with the tequila was the Brisk Iced tea.Take a chilled pint glass and fill to half with ice then pour tequila over ice and fill to the top with Lipton Brisk Iced Green apple Green Tea


We recommend using a pint glass for this cocktail.

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